Keeping Your Blood Sugar Under Control

If you are a diabetic, the most important thing you need to concern yourself with is the level of sugar in your blood. Your most important task is to control your blood sugar levels so they do not spiral out of control. Here are a few ways to make sure that your blood sugar levels, or glucose levels, stay under control.

1. See a physician regularly. A lot of people are tempted to ignore their doctor if things are going well for them. If you have diabetes, that is not a good idea. A doctor can help you diagnose problems earlier than you can on your own. Not only that, but a doctor can order blood tests to make sure that your blood sugar levels have been under control, and to make sure you are not having other problems as a result of your diabetes.

2. Check your blood sugar levels regularly throughout the day. If you want to really know how you are doing in regards to your glucose levels, you need to check your blood during your day. Check it when you first wake up, before you go to bed and approximately half an hour to an hour after every meal. You can better control your blood sugar levels when you can expect what they will be at certain times of the day.

3. Take your medication as direction. You might want to hold off because you feel fine, or take a little extra insulin because you are going to have some ice cream--but only do that if your doctor has indicated it is okay for you to do that. Too much insulin in your blood can be as bad as not enough, and you can go into hypoglycemia, a dangerous situation for diabetics.

4. Keep your diet under control. There is not one diet for people with diabetes, so you have to make sure you keep your carbohydrate intake low and focus on healthy proteins and foods that will not make your glucose levels skyrocket. Eat foods high in fiber so that sugar is released gradually instead of all at once. It is also important to keep your weight down, because extra weight can change your glucose levels and cause them to go up.

5. Exercise. Exercise is excellent for keeping the blood sugar levels of a diabetic under control. Not only will it likely bring your weight down, which is good, but it increases insulin sensitivity. That means that the insulin will work better and your blood sugar levels will stay down. Make sure to check your blood sugar before the workout, as well as during and afterwards. Before you start exercising though, speak to your doctor to make sure you are cleared to do that.

As you have now learned, it can be simple to take care of your blood glucose levels. It just takes a little time and attention, and your life can be free from diabetic crises. Use the tips in this article to keep your blood sugar under control so you can move forward with your life.


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