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December Special... Only $16.95 Per Box!!!

Tried EVERYTHING in sight? Now Try MiracleBurn®

Can It Really Happen To You? - YES!
You Can Reach Your Goals and Achieve Your New Attractive Body!

The ingredients in MiracleBurn® can help you lose weight. Advantra-Z® stimulates your metabolism to burn extra calories while giving you the extra energy you need to motivate for exercise. Preliminary research suggests that Hoodia may help you stick to your diet because your brain will think you are satisfied and not hungry. People are easily losing weight. The results seen from this remarkable formula are NOT drastic…they are steady and sure. Remember: Losing weight too quickly could be dangerous and the results never last! That's why MiracleBurn® is one of the most sought-after weight reduction formulas available today!

Here is What Can Happen:
A diet and exercise program using MiracleBurn® can begin working from day one…you should immediately feel an increase in your energy levels on the first day. With exercise and a sensible diet, your family and friends should notice changes in your appearance after just a couple of weeks. You will feel like exercising and eating healthier. Keep it up, and the weight loss can continue until your body reaches its "Natural Weight Zone." This is the zone your body is at once you have lost your unwanted fat.

Once you reach your Natural Weight Zone, you can reduce your MiracleBurn® dosage and continue looking in the mirror at your new attractive body….in conjunction with exercise and a healthy diet, of course.


MiracleBurn Ingredients

MiracleBurn® Contains Hoodia Which May Tell Your Brain You are Full.
Hoodia is generating a great deal of excitement because of its apparent ability to control appetite. It contains an active constituent called "P57," which is a molecule that tells your brain it feels full. The P57 molecule is estimated to be up to 10,000 times as active as glucose in sending the signal to the brain that tells your body it is NOT hungry. A CBS 60 Minute Special reported, “Imagine not being hungry all day without feeling the negative side effects typical of diet pills, like a racing heart or queasy stomach. The amazing Hoodia makes its appearance in the USA."

A British pharmaceutical firm has licensed the rights from the South African government to market Hoodia. The CEO of this firm explains: “There is a part of your brain, [called] the hypothalamus. Within that mid-brain there are nerve cells that sense glucose sugar. When you eat, blood sugar goes up because of the food, these cells start firing and now you are full. What the Hoodia seems to contain is a molecule that is about 10,000 times as active as glucose. It goes to the mid-brain and actually makes those nerve cells fire as if you were full. But you have not eaten. Nor do you want to.”

This firm conducted a two-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study to evaluate the effects of P57 on overweight individuals. The results of the preliminary research found that there was a significant reduction in calorie intake as well as a drop in body fat content in the active group compared to the placebo group. No side effects were reported.

MiracleBurn® Contains Patented Advantra-Z® to Stimulate Your Metabolism:
MiracleBurn® contains the only patented form of Bitter Orange, Advantra-Z®. Bitter Orange is the much talked about alternative ingredient. Synephrine is the main active component found in Advantra-Z®. Synephrine can help stimulate fat metabolism without some of the negative side effects experienced by some individuals taking ephedrine. Studies have shown the ability of Bitter Orange to stimulate the metabolism. An increase in metabolic rate can increase the rate at which individuals burn calories, and can assist the body in burning its own stored fat. In a placebo controlled clinical study involving fourteen females and nine males, blood pressure and heart rate were measured following Bitter Orange consumption. All of the individuals had not conducted exercise for 24 hours before the trial started and they had an overnight fast of no food. The results of the study indicated that that Bitter Orange increases an individual’s resting metabolic rate.

MiracleBurn® Contains Glucomannan to Make You Feel Full:
Glucomannan’s role as a weight loss aid is well-recognized. It is a water soluble dietary fiber that can absorb a great deal of water. It acts as a bulking agent, essentially filling the stomach, providing the feeling of being full and thus helping to reduce the amount of food eaten.

MiracleBurn® Contains Yerba Mate to Energize:
Yerba Mate has been used as an energy tonic in Brazil for decades. Today it continues to be used as an alternative to coffee. Yerba Mate is considered to be GRAS (generally recognized as safe) by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration).

MiracleBurn® Contains GTF Chromium to Support Healthy Metabolism:
GTF Chromium is used in many weight loss supporting supplements because of its ability to assist insulin in regulating fat, carbohydrate, glucose and protein metabolism.

MiracleBurn® Contains Iodine to Support Your Metabolism:
Iodine plays an important role in supporting weight loss, especially in individuals with a weak thyroid. It is a trace mineral found in the thyroid gland. Iodine may help enhance weight loss and increase energy levels. Iodine helps the thyroid to produce Thyroxin, which is important in regulating energy metabolism. Inadequate iodine can cause low energy levels and weight gain.

MiracleBurn® Contains White Willow Bark to help Stimulate Your Metabolism and Increase Energy Levels:
As a weight loss aid, White Willow Bark is thought to help increase the activity of other thermogenic ingredients in elevating energy and promoting fat metabolism.

MiracleBurn® Contains L-Carnitine to Support Your Metabolism and Increase Energy Levels:
L-Carnitine is found in many weight loss and performance enhancing supplements today. It is an amino acid that is made in the liver. The major function of L-Carnitine is to facilitate the transport and metabolism of fatty acids into the body’s cells for energy production. L-Carnitine may increase the body’s own fat oxidation, which could increase weight loss.

As you can see, the ingredients in Miraceburn® were carefully selected to bring you an amazing formula to help you achieve your goals...when taken in conjunction with exercise and a sensible diet of course. This is the advanced formula you have been waiting for.


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