How Diabetes Can Affect Your Feet

Diabetics need to take good care of their feet to avoid complications. You do not have anything to worry about if you adopt a good foot care routine and use the tips from this article.

Keep your feet as clean as you can. You should avoid wearing open toe shoes, especially if you are going outside. Always wear a clean pair of socks and wash your feet if they get sweaty. Keeping your feet clean is the best way to prevent any infection from setting in, which could cause a lot of complications because of your diabetes. You should invest in a feet cleaning kit designed for diabetics and carry wet napkins with you in case you need to freshen up your feet while you are away from home.

Dry your feet carefully with a clean towel after you wash them. Water softens the skin on your feet, which means bacterias or warts can set in easily. If you are going to be at the beach or the pool, wear protective shoes and keep your feet as dry as possible. Wet feet also means the natural balance of your skin might get disrupted and your skin will not produce the right amount of oil and get dry.

Dry skin is more prone to injuries, blisters or bunions. You can avoid these issues by keeping your skin hydrated. You should apply a good moisturizer to your feet every morning and every night. There are products designed for diabetics: you should choose one of these products instead of a beauty cream. You need to learn the difference between dry skin and athlete's foot: this condition is caused by a fungus that makes your skin looks red and cracked.

Taking a foot bath might sound relaxing but it is not a good idea. Keeping your feet in the water for extended periods of time will soften the skin and disrupt its natural balance. Besides, the products you use for your foot bath might irritate your skin or make it dry and itchy. Instead of a foot bath, you should wash your feet in warm water with an anti-bacterial soap, rinse thoroughly and dry your feet with a clean towel right away.

Keep your toenails clean and well-trimmed. If you do not take good care of your toenails, you might end up with infections, ingrown nails and other issues. If you notice that your nails are not healthy, you should find a more comfortable pair of shoes and start trimming and cleaning your nails on a daily basis. Even if your nails are healthy, you should still inspect them carefully once a week. Make sure you sterilize the nail clipper and other tools you use to keep your nails clean.

A cut or a sore is an infection waiting to happen. In the worse case, an infection could turn into gangrene and cause you to lose a foot. To prevent this, you should wear protective shoes that fit well, comfortable socks and avoid any kind of situation where you might injure your feet. If you notice a cut, clean it daily and go to your doctor to make sure it is healing properly. A sore or a patch of red skin might be a sign of a bacterial infection or of a shoe that does not fit well. Go to your doctor to have your feet inspected and perhaps get a prescription to help you get rid of an infection.

If you notice anything wrong with your feet, you should go to your doctor right away. Adopt good foot care habits and inspect your feet regularly: you should avoid any kind of problem with your feet.


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